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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/23/25

Austin Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Clinic/School Nurse

Nurse - Mrs Christine A. Bissoon RN
Hours - Mon- Fri 7:30 am to 1:30 pm


COVID -19 Guidelines

Any Student or Staff who feels ill and may have been exposed to COVID, should go home. Remain at home, get tested and wait for results. Parent or Teacher must email the Principal of positive results and she will provide necessary guidelines. The Principal, Parent or Teacher can notify the Nurse.


           Students are not allowed to bring medication to school except if it is a prescribed Asthma Inhaler, insulin or Epi Pen. This includes over-the-counter medication.  Parent, Doctor and Student can complete an Authorization For Students To Carry Form for an Asthma Inhaler, Insulin and EpiPen. (contact the Nurse) .  A Parent, Guardian or Designee must bring in medication including over-the-counter medication, to be kept in the clinic if a Physician's Request For Administration Of Medication Form was completed. A new form will be required every school year as needed.  A Parent can request a Medical Impairment Form from a Counselor if their child has a special need for assistance at school. A 504 plan will be completed.

*Parents, Guardian or Designees can administer medication to their child at any time during the school day.


Dekalb County Schools DO NOT have a nut free policy!!!!!!

Accommodations can be made to limit exposure in the classroom and Cafeteria by separating the student from others who may be eating nut foods.

           Students with severe allergy may carry an EpiPen when trained and the Authorization for Students to Carry Form was completed. Student can also have emergency medication kept at school, if a Physician's Request For Administration Of Medication Form was completed by a Doctor and Parent. A new form will be required every school year as needed.

A 504 plan will be made for a student with severe allergy.

*Parents, Guardian or Designee may administer medication to their child at any time.

A Doctor's note is recommended for any reported highly contagious illness (COVID, flu, strep, chicken pox, monkey pox, measles, hand, foot and mouth etc).

The note should document the diagnosis and a return to school date.

A report will be made to the Health dept. about communicable diseases when there are reported / documented cases in a classroom. Documentation is only acceptable from a licensed Medical Doctor or their Designee.

Send all Medical notes which documents infectious illnesses to the Clinic ASAP.

Call or email the Nurse with any questions.